Day by Day
The fluidity of the everyday, a condition that can universally, as well as personally, define people's lives, is the common thematic denominator in all the works presented by Michalis Kyousis in his solo exhibition this year.
Portraits of people, faces somewhere between action (as Arendt defines it in "The Human Condition"), their daily activities and a condition of waiting: for what comes, for what continues and defines their personal struggle, goals or frustrations their.
Human-centered in all its aspects, Kyusei's work tenderly turns to people's lives, to moments when they stand (to think?), to move (to where? why?) from one point to another, to observe (as and the artist) the life around them. In the series of these works, Kyousis continues to consistently capture his gaze, drawing representational occasions from memories, experiences and photographic or design archival material he collected in Senegal during the period between 2018-2022, being himself a traveler and active observer of Senegalese people and their lives.
When it comes time to reassemble all those memories, how does this memory reset work? What are the "souvenirs" of his cultural exploration and observation? And how does he choose to render the moment, the sensations with shadows and color? Who are the people that attract his attention and how do they dominate his compositions?
Kyousi's painting proves to be proportional and always consistent with his perceptive vision: intensely pulsating color and at the same time fluid units, diffused light, a sense of movement and strong linearity, but also a metaphorical freezing of the photo-shadings of the composition in an imperceptibly transitory state. This sense of acceptance and awareness of fluidity in life is also the conceptual reason for all of Kyousi's compositions. Life that goes on day by day (''byss par byss'' as the Senegalese say), an entrenched daily philosophy that allows people to face life detached from expectations and aspirations, self-sufficient, stationary or on the move, somewhere in between of an initial goal and its multiple alternatives. Or a biopolitical necessity and condition in a place where not everything is given, but people find ways to manage it. And Kyousis stores various aspects of a different cultural philosophy and management of life, offers us a lesson in colorful, bright self-sufficiency.

"La Vendeuse", acrylic and oil on canvas, 120 x 100, 2023